Quer conhecer mais o trabalho do artista?
Visite o site: http://ricaru.net63.net/
Contato com o artista: ricaru@gmail.com
*Matéria publicada no dia 06 de Fevereiro de 2011 no jornal A GAZETA (Estado do Espírito Santo/ Brasil) – Revista AG.
Jornalista: Letícia Nóbrega
It is true that P.E.T. (Polyethylene terephthalate) has been used on an industrial scale, but not to set aside the possibilities of working and creating crafts that bottles made of this resin allow. As an example the use of full soda bottle as it does the artist Ricardo Araújo (Ricaru). Taking advantage of the very shapes of bottles he uses color to give life to objects created as one that is decorative as well as utilitarian.
Right! Looking good until you can recognize the shapes of the bottle, but the work draws so much attention that you need to look closely, carefully and even helps to find out if it is a piece made from used soda bottles and recycled material.
Want to know more about the artist's work?
Visit the website: http://ricaru.net63.net/
Contact: ricaru@gmail.com
It is true that P.E.T. (Polyethylene terephthalate) has been used on an industrial scale, but not to set aside the possibilities of working and creating crafts that bottles made of this resin allow. As an example the use of full soda bottle as it does the artist Ricardo Araújo (Ricaru). Taking advantage of the very shapes of bottles he uses color to give life to objects created as one that is decorative as well as utilitarian.
Right! Looking good until you can recognize the shapes of the bottle, but the work draws so much attention that you need to look closely, carefully and even helps to find out if it is a piece made from used soda bottles and recycled material.
Want to know more about the artist's work?
Visit the website: http://ricaru.net63.net/
Contact: ricaru@gmail.com
* Article published on February 6, 2011 in The Journal Gazette (State of Espirito Santo / Brazil) - AG Magazine.
Journalist: Leticia Nobrega